Candidate Institute

Refine the Art of Political Influence – Tailored Coaching for Elected Officials and Aspiring Leaders.


Unlock Your Political Potential: Free Strategy Workbooks

Elevate your campaign with our exclusive workbooks designed to hone your narrative, perfect your stump speech, and master media interactions. Gain the competitive edge with strategies that have propelled countless leaders to victory.

Dive into your leadership journey – Download your free workbooks now.


"I get so much value from our coaching sessions. I apply everything we work on together." ~ MN State Representative"

Training Options

Navigate your political path with a suite of coaching programs designed to match the diversity of your needs, ambitions, and campaign scale. Whether you seek comprehensive strategy development or focused skill enhancement, you'll find a program that aligns with your vision.

Contact me to discuss which pathway best supports your journey toward impactful leadership and within a framework of trust and discretion. A limited number of training scholarships are available to ensure quality development for promising leaders.

Candidate Institute: Mastery for Political Impact

Elevate your campaign with bespoke leadership training. At Candidate Institute, we don't just prepare you for the political stage; we refine the core of your public influence with tailored strategies in communication, leadership, influence, and personal branding. Our diverse coaching and training options ensure there's a perfect fit for your aspirations, budget, and schedule.

Gold Standard Coaching Program: The Premier Choice for Candidates

Engage in a 6, 9, or 12-month high-touch coaching journey, meticulously tailored to your campaign goals. With unlimited access to me, your political ascent is our shared mission. Expect transformative growth with  intensive 1:1 sessions, customized to the length and frequency your schedule demands.

I have a proven track record of successfully helping my clients win public office elections.

Your Campaign, Amplified:

  • Become a more confident public speaker, dissolve anxiety, and embrace powerful non-verbal communication.
  • Command media interviews with confidence and strategic savvy.
  • Craft speeches that resonate, and master the art of delivery from microphone to stage.
  • Build a compelling narrative, forging authentic connections with voters, donors, and delegates.
  • Prepare for debates with customized simulations, enhancing your poise and responsiveness.
  • Develop resilience to high-pressure scenarios, ensuring you're unflappable when it counts.
  • Personal branding and appearance consultancy tailored for political optics.
  • Exclusive social media video strategies to amplify your digital presence.

Inclusive Assessments:

Unearth your strengths and address blind spots with comprehensive assessments, designed to bolster your leadership prowess. I partner with a variety of coaches who are experts in their fields to bring you the best experiences possible.

Connect with Voters, Captivate the Media, and Conquer the Campaign Trail.

Many of my clients have celebrated significant victories, securing endorsements and winning seats in Minnesota's competitive races. By partnering with my consulting services, you can significantly boost the prospects of your chosen candidates, influencing crucial policies that benefit our community and state. I excel in coaching ambitious, driven individuals who are poised for success, helping them to refine their leadership and public speaking skills. Schedule a Discovery Call and let's explore how we can elevate your candidate's campaign.

TESTIMONIAL: "Your coaching is Spot On!" ~ Roseville City Counsilwoman

Ready to transform your political journey? Click the LEARN MORE button below to schedule a free Discovery Call.
Learn More

Silver Program: Strategic Focus for Key Moments

Opt for our Silver Program when facing pivotal campaign milestones. Ideal for:

  • crafting your announcement,
  • delivering impactful speeches,
  • mastering interviews,
  • excelling in debates, or connecting with donors 

This accelerated 6-session program is your springboard to political presence.

Expect concentrated guidance on communication strategies, confidence enhancement, and standout presentation skills. With direct email access and strategic support texts, you'll navigate critical events with assurance.

While the Silver Program sharpens your immediate political acumen, the Gold Program is the pinnacle of personalized coaching. It offers an immersive, strategic partnership that extends beyond the horizon of singular events. Embracing a holistic approach used by elite executive coaches, the Gold Program invests in your enduring political influence, continuous personal growth, and long-term campaign success, with unparalleled access and support tailored to your expansive vision.


Dynamic Group Classes and Workshops.

Whether it’s a local team, a major political party event, or a national convention, I offer tailored training sessions that cater to your specific needs. Reach out at [email protected] to organize impactful sessions in:

  • Public Speaking Excellence
  • Stump Speech Creation
  • Debate Readiness
  • Effective Media Interview Techniques
  • Successful Fundraising Strategies
  • Persuasive Communication Skills
  • Personal Branding Insights

Elevate your group’s political readiness and impact at your next event or conference with tailored, expert-led training.



"Everyone should take this training!" ~ Olmstead County Commissioner

"I learned so much in your classes! The best investment I ever made." ~ Audience Member at Political Convention



"She has given me more than I expected - feedback on my presentation skills, help identifying tics and bad habits, suggestions and exercises. I always leave her studio with my head full of ideas and strategies, but also with new confidence that I can do what I need to do."  MN House Representatives Candidate 

"She is wonderfully adept at polishing your personal presence and I find myself using many of the things she taught me almost every day.  It exposed for me things that nobody else had the courage to tell me and taught me how to present to the world the person I most want to be….me. It is the best money I have spent on myself in a long time." ~ Minnesota Congressional Candidate

Reach Out to Schedule A Discovery Call

For complimentary coaching tools and more information please click on the button.

She is wonderfully adept at polishing your personal presence. It is the best money I have spent on myself in a long time." ~ MN State Auditor Candidate



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