Graceful Self-Promotion

We all know that one person at work — you know, the self-centered, annoyingly successful, blowhard who takes every opportunity to brag about his own work. “Did you hear that I landed the Boothman account? Yessssssss!!”

Ugh. (Insert eye roll here.)

Meanwhile, you keep your head down and work hard, holding fast to the belief that your work should speak for itself, and when it does, you'll get the recognition you deserve.

Let’s do a reality check here. Is this approach reeeeeally working for you?

Most of us aren’t great at self-promotion. But quite honestly, you're not doing yourself any favors by keeping quiet or playing small. Like it or not, promoting yourself at work is crucial, and your success depends on it.

In its most simplistic form, self-promoting comes down to this: You let your co-workers and your bosses know what you do, what you excel in, and what you accomplish in your job.

But if you're not sure how to start, I’m excited to share some...

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