5 Tips to Make Great Impression When Web Conferencing


Professional engagements are moving to web conferencing due to Covid-19.

I was interviewed by WCCO, an affiliate of CBS, to discuss strategies job search strategies.

Whether you're a professional doing team meetings or part of a job interview, these Top 5 Tips will help you make a memorable and lasting impression.

You'll definitely want to pay attention to Tip Number 4!

Here's to developing your professional brand and reputation.


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Shifting Your Campaign Tactics During Coronavirus

 The coronavirus has made running for office harder.  

Real politics are largely on hold, in-person events, knocking on doors, and lit drops are essentially banned. 

Fundraising requires a heightened sensitivity, as the smaller “grassroots” donors are increasingly concerned about the future of the economy and their own finances. 

But it has also emphasized the importance of state and local government. As candidates struggle with getting their message out in front of voters, they also have to think carefully about their tone. Because while there is a need to echo the sense of we’re all in this together, candidates still need to draw out the differences to not appear too partisan. 

This is a challenging time for every candidate, and you’re not alone in trying to figure all this out. 

If you’re an incumbent who has a decent amount of cash already in the bank, a large donor file, or have the support of a super PAC, this new...

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