Your Body Speaks Volumes Before Your Lips Say A Word

Oh my heavens, I love this photo :)

You gotta love the kilt! Well, at least I do. The point here is that your first impression isn’t made at an introduction, it's actually made the moment you become a blip on someone else’s radar.

See the young man to the left eyeing the guy in the kilt? He’s internalizing what he’s seeing and it’s forming an impression on him (good or bad) of the kilt-wearing gentleman.
Without you even saying single a word, people are making assumptions about you when you enter a room.

Can you see how important it is to be intentional with what you project? 

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this (and no shaming the guy in the kilt – cuz he’s frickin’ awesome.) Email me at [email protected] Better yet, join my email list!

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