Mindset: Making a Fantastic Impression


We often let critical conversations slip by that could actually get us on the radar of those who could impact our careers, simply because we feel like we don't have much to offer. Shifting your mindset is critical to stepping into your power. This video gives you insights on how to do just that.

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Is Your Small Business Treating You Like Your Last Boyfriend?

Sounds like a bad relationship again. Girl, you deserve so much better! Before you give up and kiss your small online business goodbye, I'd love to help you get things straightened out!

I know how confusing and overwhelming this whole entrepreneurial journey can be. Trust me, I KNOW!

You may feel like you’re going in circles sometimes trying to make things work, and yet you’re still not getting the results you want. The best place to start is on your business plan!

If you need a business plan, don't worry, I have a downloadable plan that we can use, and together, we will start building a solid foundation to grow your business upon.

You can get it FREE here!

I'll use your input and questions when I create it. You can find more resources HERE.

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5 Tips to Ace Your Next Presentation

You may want to save this! A good presentation will help you build visibility, trust, and eventually turn your audience into clients, voters, or land you that promotion.

Here are some tips to ace your speech:

1. Go in with the right mindset. Confidence equates to certainty in the minds of others, and people pay for certainty.
2. Stay out of monotone. If you use a monotone voice, people will be checking their emails under the tables instead of listening to you.
3. Practice your speech beforehand.
4. Know your material well enough to be able to look down at your notes, pull a few keywords and be able to talk about them. This requires that you practice your speech.
5. Make eye contact. It draws the audience in. But don't hold any one person hostage with the eyes. They'll start avoiding your gaze.

The points listed above are just a few of MANY. But if you only had time to choose a few, this list is a great start.

Have any questions? Email me at [email protected]

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Didn't Get The Promotion? Let Me Help You Find Out Why!

Didn't get the promotion you wanted? Here is a list of possible reasons why:

1. You made the mistake of thinking you were the only one being considered for the promotion.

2. You decided to show up and wing it. "Winging it" is never a strategy.

3. You didn't make enough eye contact. Or worse, you made too much eye contact and creeped the interviewer out.

4. Your answers to their interview questions were boring and unremarkable.

5. You talked about your past accomplishments, but didn't speak to the value you could provide in this new position.

6. Your body language gave away the nervousness and anxiety you were trying to hide.

7. Your handshake was weak or it was wet from holding the chilled glass of water they offered you.

8. You weren't dressed for the position you want to hold.

I have an excellent track record helping people land their dream jobs because they learn how to walk in prepared, confident, and ready for their interviews. Let's work together! 

You have to make...

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Do You Know How To Avoid Giving A Boring Presentation?

This is a good question! Why? Because no one wants to fail when they're presenting in front of an audience. What often happens is when you get nervous or anxious, your voice will get monotone. Monotone kills presentations.

Here's an easy exercise that will help bring more life and engagement to your speech or presentation: Turn on the TV or YouTube. Find someone you think is a good speaker. Now watch her with the sound off. Notice the facial expressions, where her hands are, how she's standing, what her face looks like when she's talking AND when she's not talking. Then with the sound on, close your eyes and just listen to her. How does she pace her sentences? What's her voice like? Does she vary her tone?

DO rehearse out loud
DON'T sound canned or monotone
DO write how you talk when you create your speech
DON'T worry about flubs - it makes you human.

Have questions? Want to work with me? Email me at [email protected] 

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Be Authentically You

It’s hard to behave in an authentic way if you don’t know what you value and desire. At its root, authenticity requires self-awareness and self-knowledge, and accepting your strengths and weaknesses.

Acceptance isn’t always easy, but it’s what we strive for. Authenticity is the basis of executive presence. Trust your intuition. Choose things that move you closer to your values. Notice when you’re being inauthentic.

Research shows that authentic people feel better. They’re more resilient and less likely to turn to self-destructive habits. Authenticity develops trust, credibility, and confidence with the people you interact with.

Authenticity can feel scary and vulnerable, but it also builds intimacy. Be purposeful in your choices. If you’re finding yourself feeling fragmented, bored, unhappy, or uninspired, it could be that you aren’t acting authentically. Creating space for self-awareness is ever-evolving. 

I’d love to hear...

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Podium Dos and Don'ts

Ahhh, the podium. Thinking you can hide behind a podium is making a big mistake.

Using a podium does have several advantages. It can feel like a life preserver when you're in the deep end of a pool. The podium grounds you by giving you something solid to touch. With that said, I recommend that you stand to one side of it whenever possible.

Podium Tips:
1. Standing beside it removes some of the formality of the interview.
2. When you're parallel to the podium, you're closer to the judges. This makes the interview seem more intimate.
3. Stand on the far side of the podium. This gives the judges more time to see you walk, and being further away from the door will make you appear more at ease.

Still want to use that podium? I have tips on how to use it effectively! Want to work with me? Email me at [email protected] and I'll tell you about the scholarships I have available for pageant contestants.

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Make Your On-Stage Presence A Present!

"When you stand on the stage, you must have a sense that you are addressing the whole world, and that what you say is so important the whole world must listen." – Stella Adler, actress.

I love this quote! Because when you can demonstrate this level of poise and confidence during your on-stage question, judges take notice.

Despite your answer, it should be conversational, and it should not be rushed. And whatever you do, don't use a monotone voice. It's natural to be nervous, and that alone will make you want to be monotone.

Pro Tip: rather than giving a predictable answer, show your confidence and poise by being expressive and animated. Get them to notice you for all the right reasons.

Want to work with me? Email me at [email protected] 

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Feeling Burnt Out?

You're making hard choices every day. You're tired. Frazzled. Burned out.

Let's stop this madness! All that nurturing you're giving to everybody else? Turn some of that love and compassion on YOU! If your choices are not supporting you and the life you want to create, make new choices that are in alignment with who you are, and who you want to become.

Learn to say NO. Protect the vision that you have for yourself and your future. We need your vision, your creativity, your compassion, your gifts and talents, and your voice - but not at the expense of YOU!

Start asking yourself, "Does this support the life I'm trying to create?" And then create accordingly.

Have questions? Email me at [email protected] Better yet, join my email list!

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Your Body Speaks Volumes Before Your Lips Say A Word

Oh my heavens, I love this photo :)

You gotta love the kilt! Well, at least I do. The point here is that your first impression isn’t made at an introduction, it's actually made the moment you become a blip on someone else’s radar.

See the young man to the left eyeing the guy in the kilt? He’s internalizing what he’s seeing and it’s forming an impression on him (good or bad) of the kilt-wearing gentleman.
Without you even saying single a word, people are making assumptions about you when you enter a room.

Can you see how important it is to be intentional with what you project? 

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this (and no shaming the guy in the kilt – cuz he’s frickin’ awesome.) Email me at [email protected] Better yet, join my email list!

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