Talking to the Media

Are you a political candidate giving interviews to the media?

Most candidates make the mistake of not having a clear message that they want to share. At best, they wing it when giving an on-camera interview, and that is a HUGE mistake. It can lead to rambling, and their message is often be filled with ums and ahs, detracting from the strong presence they want to convey to voters. 

Do you want to be seen as a leader or a follower?

Here's an important tip! Boil your message down to the three points that are most important.

A lot of people believe this is dumming down your message for the media, but its not. You're prioritizing what's important to you, and these points are what you'll come back to again and again and again in the interview.

Boiling your message down to three points keeps you on topic, and keeps you from rambling on and on which will detract from the image you're wanting to present to voters, donors, and peers.

I'm sure you have 30 topics to choose from, but...

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