Is it Really Shameless Self-Promotion?


 A better question to ask is, "Should there be shame at all in self-promotion?"

I mean, we’ve all heard the term, shameless self promotion. But where did we learn that self promotion is bad..?
If the work we put out into the world brings us joy, or confidence, or pride, why should we feel shame over it?
I think its because most of us aren’t the greatest at self-promotion, and selling ourselves can feel like we’re bragging, or worse, awkward.
I think this is crazy!
In fact, I have a different point of view on this topic.
My belief is that we were all born with gifts that are meant to serve this world. And if you don’t toot your own horn and self promote your gifts, then you are holding back valuable resources from those who need you most.
Once you untangle those feelings of shame from the expression of your unique gifts, then you can better serve the world.
And trust me, we need your gifts.
So consider...

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